To get good nutrition to all, India needs delivery models that are collaborative across the domains. Analyse (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
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Shankaranand 7 years
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IAS Parliament 7 years
IAS Parliament 7 years
· According to Global Nutrition Report 2016 and the Global Hunger Index, 2017, India ranks at 100 out of 119 countries with a low overall score of 31.4.
· 25% of India’s children less than 5 years old are still malnourished.
· Among children less than 5 years, wasting (low weight for height), continues to be 21% in the 2017 index, it was 20% in 1992.
· Over half of adolescent girls and women are anaemic.
· Added to this is the fact that 190.7 million people in India sleep hungry every night.
Concerns with the steps taken
· Both the National Nutrition Strategy (NNS) and the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) have recognised the criticality of working collaboratively across Ministries.
· Yet both are silent on the constructive role of private sector, development agencies and civil society.
· There are no initiatives to exploring new models to address the structural and systemic issues on a priority basis.
· An overhaul of capacity and capability of 3 existing programmes such as ICDS, MDM and NNM should be the first priority.
· For purposeful action both union and state government need to have common goals and metrics for improving nutrition.
· They should come up with metrics that are clear and measurable and a real-time tracking mechanism.
· The approach, commitment and resources therefore have to be inter-generational, multi-sector, and multi-dimensional.
· Government needs to mandate and scale staple food fortification comprising edible oil, wheat, rice and dairy products, in addition to salt.
· Nutrition has to be “marketed” and made interesting, engaging, simple and personally relevant.
· This is an expertise where the private sector can meaningfully contribute.
· Well-structured public-private partnerships could thus be the catalyst.