
Indian Economy

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November 17, 2018

Skill development in India needs to be revamped to reap the benefits of the Demographic Dividend. What are the major impediments? Recommend measures to overcome it. (200 Words)

Refer-The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years



Impediments in Skilling youths

·        There were very few who support vocational education, primarily due to deep-rooted social prejudices against working with one’s hands as it is considered lowly and demeaning.

·        Lack of Cooperation and Communication with other ministries related to skill development.Eg: Ministry of Skill Development Enterprise at the launch of Skill India in 2015 made no mention of the Ministry of Human Resources Development as a partner.

·        Skill India has also been afflicted by insufficient industry partners and the failure to attract genuine skill knowledge providers.

·        Lack of horizontal integration with Ministries, State Governments, Industry partners.

·        Inadequate industry interfaces in vocational education and training system.


Measures for Skilling youths

·        The university system in vocational education can bring in uniformity throughout the country in terms of enforcing the National Occupation Standards and National Skill Qualification Framework.

·        Creation of  National Skills University.

·        Certification of skills training in India must be standardised, in order to ensure the quality of delivery and trust among employers.

·        A long-term skill development strategy must account for persistent gender gaps in training and labour force participation rate.

Nandadeep 6 years

Please review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good attempt.KeepWriting.



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