In the backdrop of recent rail accidents in India, are advanced bullet train projects a right option for investment? Analyse.
IAS Parliament 8 years
The MAHSR Project is the first of its kind in India using Japan’s Shinkansen technology - also known as Bullet Train technology.
Advantages of MAHSR project
· Economic benefits - Infrastructure development and job creation.
· This project could provide an important boost to public investment.
· The soft funding of the project by the Japanese government is an additional advantage, which brings the two countries together and provides significant economic benefits.
· It would also generate significant employment for a large number of unskilled workers.
· Technological development - A dedicated High Speed Rail training institute is being developed at Vadodara helps in improving our technical knowledge about Shinkansen technology.
· Indian companies could take in the new technologies and could potentially become suppliers to HSR contracts worldwide.
· HSR systems are around three times more fuel-efficient than aeroplanes and five times more fuel-efficient than cars, thus reducing India’s carbon footprint.
· Acts as a foundation for the future development of other high-speed corridors in India.
· Cultural transformation through a demonstrated ability to implement large projects and improve safety.
Safety vs New Projects
· At the same time, it is important for Indian government to have a balanced approach towards infrastructure development as well as the safety of the operations.
· Most of the rail safety issues arise due to operational difficulties such as negligence during operations and absence of robust inspection mechanisms.
· So, neglecting the infrastructural development in the view of rail safety issues is a misnomer.