Tripling the production of biofuels by 2022 is an ambitious plan but the proposal to use various kinds of farm produce for this purpose is not beyond dispute. Critically discuss. (200 words)
Refer – Business Standard
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Shankaranand 7 years
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IAS Parliament 7 years
IAS Parliament 7 years
· India’s plan to triple the production of bio-fuels in four years is an ambitious and a positive move to reduce the excessive dependence on imports for meeting the energy needs.
· But the proposal to use various kinds of farm produce — and not just agricultural wastes — for this purpose is not beyond dispute.
Concerns with the plan
· Production – It is proposed to use various kinds of farm produce and not just agricultural wastes for this purpose.
· This can potentially distort the pattern of agricultural output in favour of energy crops.
· Ethanol – The liberties granted to ethanol manufacturers remain contentious.
· They are allowed to choose their feedstock from a range of crops and other farm materials.
· These include sugarcane juice, sugar containing crops such as beetroot and sweet sorghum, starchy crops such as maize and cassava, damaged food grains such as wheat, broken rice and potato.
· Evidently, many of these are part of the human or animal food chains.
· Sugar industry – Ethanol drawn directly from cane juice could amount to a complete bypassing of sugar production.
· Farmers would also be encouraged to produce more of this water-intensive crop.
· This could be at the cost of other crops that can be grown on the prime irrigated lands.
· Despite farmers' benefits, such moves may pose problems in the wider economic interests.
· Bio-diesel – For biodiesel, the new plan envisages utilisation of non-edible oilseeds and short-gestation oil-bearing crops.
· This disregards the fact these oils are used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other industries.
· Given these, the well-intentioned bio-fuel plan does need some judicious alterations to address the concerns.