
Internal security

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September 27, 2018

Given the destructive characteristics of nuclear weapons, do you agree with the view that nations should eliminate nuclear weapons? Justify (200 words)

Refer – Financial Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Arguments favouring nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons aren’t weapons for offence, but for deterrence

·         Historically, it has been observed that when a nation state possesses nuclear weapons, it is less likely to go to a full scale war with another state.

·         The reason being that these weapons have the capability to annihilate entire populations and the radioactive residue left behind leads to hazardous health consequences on future generations as well.

·         As a result, no nation state takes the risk of going to a war with a nuclear weapon state.

·         The power of a nuclear weapon state actually lies in not using the weapon, but in having it because once a state uses such weapons, it can risk the wrath of the entire international community.

·         The biggest threat today about nuclear weapons is the fear of these going into the hands of non-state actors, like terrorist groups, who can exploit them, inflicting tremendous harm to the humanity at large.

·         Thus the important thing that responsible nation states should keep in mind is that these weapons should not go into irresponsible hands that can put the global security at a great risk.

Arguments against nuclear weapons

The only device having the capacity to destroy all complex life forms on Earth.

·         Humanitarian necessity – Any use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic consequences. 

·         The effects of radiation on human beings would cause suffering and death many years after the initial explosion. 

·         Security aspect – It pose a direct and constant threat to people everywhere. Far from keeping the peace, they breed fear and mistrust among nations

·         The biggest threat today about nuclear weapons is the fear of these going into the hands of non-state actors, like terrorist groups, who can exploit them, inflicting tremendous harm to the humanity at large.

·         Environment aspect – It would take less than 0.1% of the explosive yield of the current global nuclear arsenal to bring about devastating agricultural collapse and widespread famine.

·         A small scale nuclear war between two countries would result in megatons of black carbon being released into the atmosphere, causing “Nuclear Winter”.

·         The resulting smoke and dust would lead to an abrupt drop in global temperatures and rainfall.

·         Economic aspect – Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services.

·         Accidents – This is the biggest disadvantage for Nuclear Weapons as it can accidentally lead to massive radiation disaster.

Nandadeep 6 years

Please review. Thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Focus more on justification part. Avoid short forms in answers. Try to be more legible. Keep writing.

Tapasvi 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good attempt. Try to include environment aspect as well. Keep writing. 



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