There is a need for customised cyber security policy for each ministry and department. Comment.
Cyber security
Recent cyber threats faced by India
Departments specific needs
Business Market
Banking Sector
Defence database
Current status of cyber security in India:
Few Agencies currently performing cyber operations are:
Ministries which already has few dedicated setups are
8 years
please do review thank you :)
8 years
In olden days it requires lakhs and lakhs of soldiers , bloodshed to capture a territory but in the age of internet a small hack can influence a democratic election .
soon the number of mobile phones will over take the number of people on this planet, in such a situation everything will be on internet bases from connecting with friends , banking , storing personal information etc.
Even it totally changed the governance model to DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAMME , in such a situation some threats like BITCOINS, ramsonware virus are the challenges.
Need for customised cyber security policy for each ministry and department :-
* each ministry has different policy/programmes for example min of space contains very important techonology data regarding (missiles/launch vechiles) for that a specific data security programme should be developed to safeguard the datas.
wheres for the RBI/banking a special cyber security is needed to safeguard the online transactions.
in similar way each ministry requires a cyber security policy ,since the challenges and threats varies with departments so a single cyber security policy for all is not a good ideas , the recent COMPUTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM is an welcoming initiative but is not enough , we should use of friendly relationship with ISRAEL to update our self with cyber security technology.