
Internal Security

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September 29, 2017

Sustained economic progress needs the solid foundation of good law and order. Analyse the modernization of police forces in India with reference to the above statement.

Refer – Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 7 years


·        Economy always follows politics and politics remains the by-product of law and order situation prevails in a country.

·        If law and order situation runs smoothly, the politics play smoothly and therefore the stable growth of the economy.

·        Modernisation of police force is essential in order to tackle the emerging challenges.

Issues in Policing

External issues

·        Outdated arms and equipments.

·        Lack of coordination within the police department.

·        Lack of effective means to collect and analyse the intelligence data collected.

·        Mobility of police forces.

Internal issues

·        Political interference.

·        Lack of accountability.

·        Skewed police to people ratio.

·        Long working hours of police.

·        Lack of proper training.

·        Weak police public relations.


Steps taken

·        Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF) scheme has special provisions for

a)    Women’s security

b)   Mobility of police forces

c)    Logistical support

d)    Hiring of helicopters

e)    Up-gradation of police wireless, satellite communications, crime and criminal tracking network and systems (CCTNS) and e-prisons.

·        Recent outlay of 25,000 crore towards Internal security scheme is a progressive step towards modernisation of police forces.

·        But, modernisation of police forces mostly concentrated on external issues leaving internal issues intact.

 Suggestions to address internal issues

·        To allow the police of greater operational freedom political executive’s power of superintendence over police forces must be limited.

·        Independent complaints authority to inquire into cases of police misconduct.

·        Outsource some non-core police functions such as traffic management, disaster rescue and relief to government departments or private agencies.

·        Raising the qualification for entry into the civil police to class 12th or graduation.

·        Constables should receive greater training in soft skills (such as communication, counselling and leadership) given they need to deal with the public regularly.

·        Community policing model to boost police public relationships.

·        Abolition of orderly system across the states in order to boost the morale and motivation of orderlies who are trained in the field of core policing work.

·        States must have their own specialized investigation units responsible for crime investigation as, it requires skills and training, time and resources, and adequate forensic capabilities and infrastructure.

·        These units should not ordinarily be diverted for other duties.

·        Sustained economic progress needs the solid foundation of good law and order, and we cannot have good law and order in the country unless the police are reorganised, restructured and rejuvenated.



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