The U.S. has recently unveiled its plan to have a “Space force” as a sixth branch of the American armed forces. Discuss its impact globally and nationally? (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands
IAS Parliament 7 years
Global Impact
· Weaponisation of Space – The move will encourage many countries to follow such similar ideas.
· Further, the technical demands of defending assets in space make the possibility of dominance and space as a domain for war-fighting.
· This will trigger arms race in the space and eventually led to militarisation of Space.
· For example, with a range of terrestrial interests in direct conflict with the U.S.A, China will not allow U.S. to attain dominance in space.
· Russia has already expressed displeasure with the U.S. move.
· International security – A military buildup in space would have destabilizing effects on strategic stability and international security.
National Impact
· China’s response to such move could be much stronger. This appears to be a real challenge for India as her neighbour.
· Because, China already possess a formidable space military programme that far exceeds current Indian capabilities.
· India is already struggling with its inter-services rivalries. In this context, establishing a new space command similar to U.S. would be an additional difficulty both financially and administratively.
· While India is officially committed to the prevention of an arms race in outer space, it is yet to formulate a credible official response to the U.S. plan.
Way Ahead
· The government needs to engage with multiple stakeholders directly about the role space weapons will play in India’s grand strategy.
· More than their war-fighting attributes, space weapons have one principal and preferable function — Deterrence.
Shankaranand 7 years
Please Review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Good effort. Keep writing.