The citizens’ right to protest is a pillar of Indian democracy.However, recent examples showcased the changing nature of protests in India. What measures will you suggest to deal with such new era protests? (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
IAS Parliament 7 years
Changing nature of new age protests
· It is characterised by its metastasising nature.
· The kind of impetus provided to agitational methodologies by the ‘digital wave’ signifies the new age protests.
· The qualitative difference from the past is that protests today are beginning to embrace entire communities.
· Agitations also tend more and more to be ‘leaderless’. This is both a strength and weakness.
· Many of today’s large-scale protests are prompted by militant elements from outside, who are pre-programmed to create chaos.
· There is an inadequacy of existing rules and procedures to deal with new-era protests.
· The erection of barricades and promulgation of Section 144, have little relevance in the circumstances prevailing today.
· Police effectiveness is also hampered because they are often outnumbered by mobilised crowds.
· The police should strengthen their ‘contextual’ intelligence to deal with today’s situations.
· This involves anticipating the meaning of ‘street power’ – enhanced by information technology and the presence of flash mobs.
· New ‘smart tactics’ have to be developed.
· Revamp intelligence and introduce new methods to overcome the lacunae in intelligence collection.