Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Vidhan Parishad. Also comment whether such second chambers are necessary or not. (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Tapasvi 7 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 7 years
IAS Parliament 7 years
· An Upper House provides a forum for academicians and intellectuals.
· They are arguably not suited for the nature of electoral politics.
· In essence, it provides a mechanism for a more serious appraisal of legislation.
· The forum is likely to be used to accommodate party functionaries who fail to get elected.
· This may defeat the objective of getting intellectuals into the legislature.
· Besides, the second chamber is also an unnecessary drain on the exchequer of the state.
· It is also a restraining force against the dominance of elected majorities in legislative matters.
Arguments in favour
· There exist larger chances for a single chamber to become rash and one-sided and swayed by emotions or passions.
· If there are two chambers, the measures passed by one would be scrutinized by the other minutely.
· Hence the laws enacted finally would be carefully analyzed and thoroughly discussed.
Arguments against
· If a majority of the members in the upper house belong to the same party which holds majority in the lower house, the upper house will become a mere ditto chamber.
· On the other hand, if two different parties are holding sway in the two Houses, the upper house will delay the bills for four months unnecessarily.
· If there was any real benefit, all States in the country should have a second chamber.
· The fact that there are only seven such Councils suggests the lack of any real advantage.
Sahitya 7 years
Please review
IAS Parliament 7 years
First part was attempted well. Need more clarity in the second part. Over all, a good try. Keep writing.