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October 04, 2017

What do you understand by the term Lethal Autonomous Weapon System (LAWS)? Why are the international scientific communities against this?

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IAS Parliament 7 years



·         These are weapons deployed without human interventionsusing Artificial intelligence.

·         It will include anything from infantry-replacing machines to smart missile defence shields.

·         Also termed as the Killer Robots.

·         It will operate in the air, on land, on water, under water, or in space.

Arguments against LAWS

·         Moral crisis – LAWS places the decision to kill, in the hands of machines.

·         It is hard to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants by a machine, thus violating the sanctity of human life.

·         Compliance – The conduct of war today is governed by a host of International treaties, the compliance of which is often a subjective undertaking.

·         Machines operating on pre-programmed codes and using objective criteria to make battlefield decisions, would not be able to comply in any substantial manner with these treaties.

·         Question of Liability –Currently, in case of any violations of International treaties, individual soldiers or their commanders can be held responsible for their actions.

·         When an autonomous machine commits a war crime, who will take the responsibility remains a major question unanswered.

·         It will scale up the incidence of number of wars, as there is no involvement of humans in the battle field.

·         It would encourage weapon race among nations, if not regulated.


·         India should push International community for some form of regulations with emphasis on

·         Clearly defining, when a weapon is said to be an autonomoussystem.

·         Circumstances governing use of LAWS.

·         Prohibition of sale of autonomous weapon technology to non-State actors.



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