Politically powerful communities nurturing a sense of victimhood pose a serious challenge to India. Discuss how such competitive backwardness can be dealt with. (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Competitive backwardness
· Different caste groups claiming backwardness.
· It refers not only to more and more people wanting to claim backwardness, but also to more and more people claiming even greater backwardness.
· The demand by powerful groups to be considered “backward” based on the narrative of deprivation and marginalisation continues to be a major challenge to India.
· E.g. The recent agitations of Jats, Patels, Gujjars and Marathas, all of them being more powerful communities.
· These claims for reservation and severe agitations are mostly a result of growth that has not been inclusive or accommodative.
· Beyond reservation, there are lot to be done to make growth inclusive or accommodative.
· Increase adequate vocational training schemes in the country which is lacking currently in India.
· Complement welfare scheme like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) with a bigger programme to train the young for employment.
· Fill up the huge gap of well-qualified trainers to usher in quality education.
· Technical training is also constrained by a small educational base – 70% of India’s workforce is without tertiary education.
· Increase awareness among the people and improve the enrolment ratio.
· Communities feeling marginalised because of a policy of reservation.
· A robust caste census data would help in determining the economic status of various communities and to extend benefits to the needy.
RIAZ KHAN 7 years
pliz review.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Good effort. Keep writing.
Manav 7 years
Please review.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Nicely written. Keep up the good work.