Moral indignation, howsoever strong, is not a valid basis for overriding individuals’ fundamental rights of dignity and privacy. Discuss in the light of the apex court judgment decriminalising section 377. (200 words)
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answers from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
· Section 377 criminalises sexual activities “against the order of nature”, including homosexual activities.
· It typecasts LGBTQ individuals as sex-offenders and categorises their consensual conduct on par with sexual offences like rape and child molestation.
Social Morality
· Section 377 is based on deep-rooted gender stereotypes ingrained in the society.
· It speaks not just about non-procreative sex but also about forms of intimacy that the prevailing social order finds ‘disturbing’.
· This tendency arises from the limits imposed on individuals by social structures such as gender, caste, class, religion and community.
· These perceptions and attitudes prescribe a code of life to which the majority adhere to.
· It has thus received a social acclaim and has eventually become the social order and social morality which are justifiable within the existing social context.
· However there are concerns associated with it:
· It is a majoritarian impulse to subjugate a sexual minority to live in silence.
· It has led to stigmatisation and condemnation of LGBTQ persons in society, who are equal individuals.
Individual rights
· Homosexuals, as individuals, have a fundamental right to live with dignity and possess full range of constitutional rights.
· These include sexual orientation, partner choice, equal citizenship and equal protection of laws.
· Sexual orientation is biological and innate as an individual has no control over who they get attracted to.
· Certainly, the State cannot decide the boundaries between what is permissible and what is not.
· Any repression of this by the state will be a violation of free expression.
· Given these, the judgment underlines the fact that societal morality cannot override constitutional morality and fundamental rights of an individual.
Tapasvi 7 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Sahitya 7 years
Please review
IAS Parliament 7 years
Manav 7 years
Please review. Thanks.
IAS Parliament 7 years