
Waste Management

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November 28, 2018

The government of India should apply the inclusive approach to successfully handle waste management in India. Examine (200 Words)

 Refer- The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Flaws in Waste Management

·        Consumers are mostly not part of the Waste Management Chain.

·        Rag pickers are working in the informal sector and lack sufficient knowledge and training in handling the waste.

·        Lack of segregation of waste at source.

·        WHO lists lead exposure as one of the top 10 environmental health threats globally. But India lead content found in paint samples exceeding the prescribed limit.

·        With multiple sets of rules and weak capacity for enforcement, it is not surprising that the situation on the ground remains very bleak.

·        Some biomedical waste is included in the definition of domestic hazardous waste, but only waste from healthcare establishments is covered under the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules 2016.

·        E-waste Management Rules 2016 are applicable to e-waste including computers, printers, TV, fluorescent and other mercury-containing lamps, while lead acid batteries from home inverters and cars come under Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules 2001.

·        Improper management of landfills causes emission of methane and help breed mosquitoes and rats which spread many diseases.


Adopting an inclusive approach

·        Consumers should participate in the waste management chain and must segregate the wastes at source. The government should provide guidelines for people to segregate the wastes properly. ( Dry, wet and hazardous)


·        Workers collecting waste must be formalised and proper skills and knowledge need to be imparted to handle the waste properly. They need to be pushed to the formalised sector.

·        Establishment of waste disposal centres needs to be established at appropriate places. Pune model of waste management needs to be implemented across all states.

·        States must devolve funds properly to Municipalities to procure needed equipment, protective garments for the workers involved in waste disposal.

·        Waste Management rules must be effectively implemented and enforced. 

Prashant Kaushal 6 years

Kindly review. Thanks.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding, identify the flaws in waste management and discuss the role of stake holders. Keep Writing

Tapasvi 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Also include flaws in waste management in India .Keep Writing.



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