
Daily Current Affairs Prelims Quiz 14-02-2023 (Online Prelims Test)

1) Consider the following statements about Digital India Bhashini

  1. It is a part of the National Language Translation Mission.
  2. It aims to ensure that as more Indians connect to the internet and access global content in their own languages.
  3. It will also encourage participation of startups.
  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : d

Digital India Bhashini

  • A Bhashini Platform will make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) resources available to MSMEs, Startups and Individual Innovators in the public domain. 
  • This mission aims to empower Indian citizens by connecting them to the Digital Initiatives of the country in their own language thereby leading to digital inclusion.
  • The Bhashini platform is interoperable and will catalyze the entire Digital Ecosystem.
  • Mission Digital India Bhashini also aims to increase the content in Indian languages on the Internet substantially in the domains of public interest, particularly, governance-and-policy, science & technology, etc.
  • Thus will encourage citizens to use the Internet in their own language.

2) Consider the following statements about Filariasis

  1. Filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by microscopic, thread-like worms known as filariae.
  2. Lymphatic filariasis is caused by infection with parasites classified as nematodes.
  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : c


  • The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched a nationwide Mass Drug Administration (MDA) campaign aimed at ending filariasis disease.
  • India gears up to eliminate filaria by 2027.
  • Lymphatic filariasis is caused by infection with parasites classified as nematodes (roundworms) of the family Filariodidea
  • Filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by microscopic, thread-like worms known as filariae.
  • It is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes, and it affects millions of people in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

3) Consider the following about Sarojini Naidu

  1. She was elected as the first woman president of the Indian National Congress(INC) in 1925 in Kanpur Session.
  2. She was the first woman to hold a governor's office in India.
  3. The British government lauded Sarojini Naidu with the ‘Kaisar-i-Hind’ Medal for her service during the plague epidemic in India.
  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : b

Sarojini Naidu

  • The British government lauded Sarojini Naidu with the ‘Kaisar-i-Hind’ Medal for her service during the plague epidemic in India.
  • She was elected as the first Indian woman president of the Indian National Congress(INC) in 1925(Kanpur Session) and continued to hold this position till 1928.
  • After India gained independence, Naidu was appointed as the governor of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Thus becoming the first woman to hold a governor's office in India.


4) Consider the following statements about Khanan Prahari Mobile app


  1. It is used for reporting unauthorized coal mining activities so that monitoring and taking suitable action on it.
  2. It is developed by the National Informatics Centre
  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : a

Khanan Prahari Mobile app

  • The Government of India has launched one mobile app namely “KhananPrahari” and one web app Coal Mine Surveillance and Management System (CMSMS).
  • It is used for reporting unauthorized coal mining activities so that monitoring and taking suitable action on it can be done by concerned Law & Order enforcing authority. 
  • The CMSMS has been developed to curb illegal mining and take transparent action as an e-Governance initiative of GoI on use of Space Technology.
  • The objective of development and launching of this CMSMS application was to detect citizens' participation against illegal mining by receipt of citizen’s complaints through mobile app – KhananPrahari.
  • It is a Mobile App of Ministry of Coal for Reporting Illegal Coal Mining and a tool for reporting any illegal coal mining incident through geo-tagged photographs.

5) Consider the following statements about Global bio fuel Alliance

  1. It is established by India Australia and Brazil
  2. The Global Biofuel Alliance is one of the priorities under India’s G20 Presidency 


  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : b

Global Bio fuel alliance

  • Brazil, India, and the United States, as leading biofuel producers and consumers, will work together for the development of a Global Biofuels Alliance.
  • This Alliance will be aimed at facilitating cooperation and intensifying the use of sustainable biofuels, including in the transportation sector.
  • It will place emphasis on strengthening markets, facilitating global biofuels trade, development of concrete policy lesson-sharing and provision of technical support for national biofuels programs worldwide.
  • The Global Biofuel Alliance is one of the priorities under India’s G20 Presidency.
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