
Daily Current Affairs Prelims Quiz 20-07-2024 (Online Prelims Test)

1) Consider the following statements with respect to Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics (ACNAS)

  1. It is mandated to improve and standardise concepts and definition of price collection.
  2. The director general of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is the chairman of the committee.
  3. It have representatives from Reserve Bank of India (RBI), NITI Aayog, various ministries and state government.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : b

Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics (ACNAS)

Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics (ACNAS) was set up recently by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) to determine the base year for GDP.

  • Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics (ACNAS) is a 26-member committee to determine the base year for GDP.
  • The chairman of the committee is Biswanath Goldar, former professor of the Institute of Economic Growth.
  • Functions – To determine the base year for GDP.
  • Decide on aligning GDP with other indices, such as:
    • The wholesale price index (WPI) for wholesale inflation,
    • The consumer price index (CPI) for consumer inflation and
    • The index of industrial production (IIP) for calculating industrial growth.
  • It reviews existing databases and advises on the inclusion of new data sources to improve the estimates of National Accounts.
  • Provide guidance on the compilation and presentation of national accounts.
  • Members – It has 26 members.
  • Other members of the committee include:
    • GC Manna, former director general, central statistics office (CSO),
    • Professor Mausami Das, Delhi School of Economics and
    • Chetan Ghate, director, Institute of Economic Growth.
  • The committee will also have representation from:
    • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and NITI Aayog,
    • Agricultural ministry, GST network, commerce and
    • Industry and Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
  • Previous ACNAS – Had recommended 2020-21 as the base year for GDP.
  • Tenure – The committee will have a tenure of five years or till the completion of next base year, whichever is later.
  • The consumer price index base – Is likely to be 2024, as the government is conducting a market survey to identify shops and commodities for inclusion in the consumer basket.
  • Need for committee – Currently, the government does not provide seasonally adjusted accounts, complicating the comparison of quarterly growth.

2) Consider the following statements with respect to Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)

  1. It is an autonomous public policy organization of the Ministry of External Affairs.
  2. Economic Policies for Women-Led Development (EPWD) is an initiative of it.
  3. The Board of Governors of the council include leading academicians, policymakers, and representatives from the private sector.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : b

Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)

The ICRIER has recently underscored the dire need to double the current budgetary allocation for agriculture research and development (R&D) in order to broaden its impact.

  • Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) is an independent public policy organization.
  • ICRIER is known for providing informative and insightful ideas to accelerate India's inclusive development.
  • It was established in 1981 with the motto of "linking India with the world,”
  • It is one of India's most well-known policy research think tanks in the areas of Agriculture, Climate Change, Digital Economy, Economic Growth, Jobs and Gender, and Trade, Industry and Investment.
  • It serves as a trusted advisor to the governments, corporates, multilaterals and foundations.
  • ICRIER continues to function as a bridge between the academic world and the policy arena.
  • Agriculture Policy, Sustainability, and Innovations (APSI) is arm of it.
  • Economic Policies for Women-Led Development (EPWD) – Is a network dedicated to advancing Women-led Development.
  • It is a joint initiative of ICRIER, UNDP India and the Gates Foundation.
  • The objective of the network is to enable the positioning of gender as a macro-critical issue, imperative for India’s economic growth.

3) Consider the following statements:

  1. Mesembrius bengalensis and M. quadrivittatus are species of butterflies that was recently found at Western Ghats.
  2. Kole wetlands is situated at Odisha.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : d

Mesembrius bengalensis and M. quadrivittatus

The Mesembrius bengalensis and M. quadrivittatus are the flower species that was recently found at Western Ghats.

  • Mesembrius bengalensis and M. quadrivittatus are the Flower flies that were recently discovered from the Kole wetlands of Kerala.
  • Flower flies belong to the family Syrphidae of order Diptera and are commonly called flower files because they are frequent visitors of flowers like many bees and wasps.
  • They are flies that evolved to mimic bees or wasps to escape from their predators.
  • They are important pollinators.
  • Larvae of these flies are excellent biological control agents and nutrient recyclers.
  • A survey has revealed a rich diversity of 59 species of flower flies from Kerala.
  • These new records add two more species to the existing list.

4) Consider the following statements with respect to International Science Council (ISC)

  1. It is the only international NGO bringing together international scientific unions and associations as well as national and regional scientific organizations.
  2. The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Council and consists of representatives of its members.
  3. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) is a member of it.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : c

International Science Council (ISC)

UNEP has recently teamed up with the International Science Council (ISC) and several regional partners to work on UNEP’s first Global Foresight Report.

  • The International Science Council (ISC) works at the global level to catalyse and convene scientific expertise, advice and influence on issues of major concern to both science and society.
  • It is the only international NGO bringing together international scientific unions and associations as well as national and regional scientific organizations.
  • The General Assembly Is the highest authority of the Council and consists of representatives of its members.
  • It elects a Governing Board, which provides scientific leadership.
  • The Governing Board enables delivery of the vision, mission, principles and values, as well as the financial and management robustness of the Council.
  • Funding – The Council’s principal source of core funding is dues from its members, supplemented by a grant from the Government of France, the ISC’s host country.
  • Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) – Has been a member of it since 1997.
  • It was established by the Government of India in 1969 to promote research in social sciences in the country.

5) Sarco capsule, sometimes seen in the news recently, is associated with?

  • a. 
  • b. 
  • c. 
  • d. 
Answer : b

Sarco Capsule

The Switzerland authorities have recently demanded to ban the use of suicide pod device and stated that anyone using it to assist in someone else’s death should face jail time.

  • Sarco Capsule or Sarco Pod is al, is also dubbed as ‘Tesla of euthanasia’.
  • Sarco, short for sarcophagus. It doubles as a coffin and is made of biodegradable materials.
  • It was first unveiled in 2019 and was invented by Philip Nitschke, the founder of Exit International, who is often referred to as ‘Dr. Death.’
  • Voluntary assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland since 1940.
  • However, assisting suicide is a crime done for 'selfish' reasons under Article 115 of the Swiss Criminal Code.
  • Portable suicide pod Sarco is a 3D-printed pod futuristic capsule that can be used for assisted euthanasia without medical supervision.
  • The capsule fills its chamber with nitrogen. It reduces the oxygen levels rapidly so that the patient becomes unconscious in the first few minutes and dies within ten minutes.
  • A patient can kill himself in this capsule by pressing a button.
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